Why Choose TEDBREE

We are an extension to your team, your very own tech,  and your marketing partner. From Design to development, Marketing to Advertising,  we’ve got you covered.

Why Choose TEDBREE

We are an extension to your team, your very own tech,  and your marketing partner. From Design to development, Marketing to Advertising,  we’ve got you covered.

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The world's most

innovative companies

use Tedbree

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The world's most

innovative companies

use Tedbree

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The world's most

innovative companies

use Tedbree

What You Get With Tedbree

What You Get With Tedbree

Dedicated Managers

Our analysts and managers oversee the entire project team functions while our success team is there at every step of the way, from onboarding to delivery.

Zero Over Head Cost

Streamline workflow and Eliminate the running and operational costs associated with managing a project team workflow without breaking the Bank.

Elite Talents Teams

Our talents are carefully curated and thoroughly vetted. In addition, our talent management tools enable us to discover talents suitable to your project.

Team set-up within 24hrs

Meet deadlines and save time by getting a tailored team of top professionals to work on your project seamlessly and in record time without breaking a sweat.

Comprehensive Analytics

View systematically evaluated statistics on the defined KPIs of your project and the project team to help you make smarter and concise business decisions.

Technical support

Each project team is backed by technical support talents dedicated to resolving technical issues concerning your accounts or the software and technologies used.

Intuitive project management

Our intuitive project tracking tool manages projects that let you visualize and automate your projects from major milestones to the tiniest tasks.

Playbooks curated by experts

Top business and tech industry leaders have designed our playbooks to solve your pressing needs, from marketing to development, to help you formulate your business needs.

Free Consultation

Connect with industry experts on your projects to make more informed, and smarter decisions while delivering accurate insights from the most reliable and top-rated industry professionals.

Dedicated Managers

Our analysts and managers oversee the entire project team functions while our success team is there at every step of the way, from onboarding to delivery.

Zero Over Head Cost

Streamline workflow and Eliminate the running and operational costs associated with managing a project team workflow without breaking the Bank.

Elite Talents Teams

Our talents are carefully curated and thoroughly vetted. In addition, our talent management tools enable us to discover talents suitable to your project.

Team set-up within 24hrs

Meet deadlines and save time by getting a tailored team of top professionals to work on your project seamlessly and in record time without breaking a sweat.

Comprehensive Analytics

View systematically evaluated statistics on the defined KPIs of your project and the project team to help you make smarter and concise business decisions.

Technical support

Each project team is backed by technical support talents dedicated to resolving technical issues concerning your accounts or the software and technologies used.

Intuitive project management

Our intuitive project tracking tool manages projects that let you visualize and automate your projects from major milestones to the tiniest tasks.

Playbooks curated by experts

Top business and tech industry leaders have designed our playbooks to solve your pressing needs, from marketing to development, to help you formulate your business needs.

Free Consultation

Connect with industry experts on your projects to make more informed, and smarter decisions while delivering accurate insights from the most reliable and top-rated industry professionals.

What Set's

Us Apart

Tedbree is a no-brainer compared to other alternatives, 

Assess the table below and notice the difference.



Convetional Employment

Freelance Market Places

Project Onboarding

24 Hours

2-6 Months

2-3 Months

Guaranteed Quality

Success Rate

Very High




Recruitment Fee


£9k - £35k


Outsource your Digital Projects to Tedbree Pros

Supercharge your clients' processes, automate reporting, and run leaner and faster to enhance your website's conversion rate by giving your customers a better experience on your site.

Outsource your Digital 

Projects to Tedbree Pros

Supercharge your clients' processes, automate reporting, and run leaner and faster to enhance your website's conversion rate by giving your customers a better experience on your site.

Let's get you started with a team of world-class experts.

Let's get you started with a team of world-class experts.

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